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Presenting Yourself As Self-Sufficient Is More Than Saving For A Rainy Day Becoming self-sufficient seems far-fetched and perhaps it is for many of us however we can tie this way of living into our daily lives. We can do this by taking the wheel we allow ourselves the freedom to make choices. Furthermore, we assume our decisions rather than relying on what is handed to us. The choices we make should be strategically based on environmental concerns and the people around us as both can impact our lives. Living a self-sufficient lifestyle and being independent almost go hand-in-hand, however, I feel there is this fine line between both. If there’s anything I’ve learned during the past 3 weeks of being...

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My Enneagram number has changed so many times they’ve asked me to refrain from claiming a personality type

The Enneagram is an ancient tool for self-discovery, they claim there are nine ways of being in the world, and if you know your dominant personality you can confront challenges from a place of strength. At one time or another, I’ve been an enthusiast, loyalist, and reformer, but these are always dominated by the peacemaker in me. I just want everyone to be happy or at least be willing to fake it. Brene Brown speaks about the power of vulnerability as a tool for change but I prefer the art of reinvention. Don’t ever feel like your best days are behind you. Reinvention is the purest form of hope. Make today your best yet. —Phil Wohl If you make the...

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