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Environment News – Why We Say “Yes” To Dessert, Even When We’re Full |  How To Help Birds  |  UK Government “Associated” with Climate-Denial Group

    Some bite-sized pieces of news from the environment this week. 16 October, 2019 News snippets   All over the world, birds are dying in massive numbers, and many species are extinct or endangered. You can help by adding native trees, bushes and other plants that offer food and protection to your garden, balcony, window-box or patio. If you live in the US, the Audobon Society has produced a  a ZIP-code based tool to show you which impacts from climate change are expected in your area and which bird species will be affected. We need more solar energy. Solar farms are best placed in sunny areas – but that’s also often where food crops are grown. Luckily though, we...

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