Vitamix professional series blender with superfood smoothies delicious energizing amp nutrient-dense recipes book two accelerator tamper tools brushed stainless finish
Bundle includes
Superfoo vitamix professional series blender brushed stainless finish with newly designed -ounce container perfect family meals entertaining while fitting comfortably under most kitchen cabinets smoothies delicious energizing amp nutrient-dense recipes book everyone loves this ultimate smoothie written julie morris whips nutrient-rich using world's antioxidants
Vitamix acc superfood smoothies delicious energizing amp nutrient-dense recipes book create recipe with chef michael voltaggio instructional dvd professional series machines getting started guide contains introductory techniques chosen our culinary team help familiarize new machine hosted tutorial
Vitamix accelerator tamper tools create recipe book with chef michael voltaggio instructional dvd professional series machines getting started guide contains introductory recipes techniques chosen our culinary team help familiarize new machine hosted tutorial
Vitamixby DaSalla's