This week I read that Howard Stern felt it was his civic duty to run for President if Trump decided to try again. I’ve never been a fan of Howard Stern, but I thought if I had to choose between the two I would vote for Stern. It wouldn’t even be close.
Elizabeth Cheney gave a speech in New Hampshire about Trump’s war with the constitution, his assaults on the American way and decency in general. Many people, people who pay attention to these things, believed giving the speech in New Hampshire, home of the earliest presidential primary, signaled Congressperson Cheney’s desire to run for President in 2024. I used to think I would go hunting with a Cheney before I would vote for one. However, if it came down to Elizabeth Cheney and Donald Trump I wouldn’t even have to think about it.
In other news; Ted Cruz decried Big Bird as a tool of the woke, cancel culture, leftist, elite propaganda machine that most of us call America. Big Bird, who is perpetually 6 years old, got the Covid-19 vaccine and encouraged children to join him. For Senator Cruz enough was too much, and he lashed out at the 8 foot 2 inch tall bright yellow bird. Which led to Big Bird announcing his candidacy for Cruz’ Senate seat.
Of course, there is no doubt who would get my vote in that race, I’ve always loved Sesame Street, and a little courtesy and kindness would do the Senate some good. Getting rid of Ted Cruz wouldn’t hurt either. I can’t help but think of the old song, Surfin Bird, by The Trashmen. Everybody’s heard about the bird, indeed.
Matthew McConaughey is considering running for governor of Texas. His campaign motto is liable to be “Hey, I don’t know anything about governing, but I’m not Greg Abbot.” He is probably waiting to see the script and supporting cast. It could bomb his chance at an Oscar as best elected official, state level, if he is saddled with talentless hacks as lieutenant governor and attorney general. It could ruin a career. Being stuck with Edwin Meese and Philip Battaglia, while governing California, doomed Ronald Reagan to a life of stumping for votes and shuffling from one pointless civil service job to another. “You’ll never work in this town again.”
Chris Christie is rumored to be contemplating another run at the big time (big top?). He was one of the first to support Trump in 2016. Before he endorsed him though, he said plenty of bad things about him, then he loved him. Many people thought Mr. Christie was “campaigning” for a cabinet position, a position that never came.
Cabinet positions from President Trump did come for Nikki Haley (Ambassador to the UN) and Mike Pompeo (Secretary of State). They were some of the most outspoken supporters, to the point of obsequiousness, of President Trump, despite years of loyalty to conservative republican values. Will they change their mind if Trump runs? It could make for some interesting exchanges during a televised debate.
Politics make strange bedfellows, certainly. Every time you open the paper, or turn on the news, or open a web browser, depending on where you get your news, things slide farther into chaos. Somebody new is considering coming hat in hand and asking for a job. But, they need our help. They will email, and send text messages asking for money so they can get their dream job. People I would never even consider voting for are emailing me and asking for a few bucks.
I think they need to sponsor a rerun on cable television; “For as little as $5.00 a month you can send this candidate to Washington DC. Act today, and Chris Christie (or Nikki Haley or insert your candidate here) can have a job for four years.”
It’s only 2021, the real political season is only a distant threat, you can see it, but it’s more of a mirage, than a reality. There is plenty of time for things to get even stranger. Don’t forget Kanye West ran for president in 2020.
George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, Public Domain
The post When Hell Freezes Over appeared first on The Good Men Project.