This week I’m back with another episode of “Seana’s Sampler.” In no particular order, here are some findings, thoughts, and discoveries that are making me smile. I hope you’ll enjoy perusing this content and come away with something you like!
Seana’s Sampler
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Solution I’m Loving
School is getting underway, and most kids are toting items around in a backpack. These folders from Smead have tabs along the top of the folder, making it easier to find the one you need when looking down into a backpack. A great little item to start the school year off well.
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Habit I’m Forming
Have you ever sent an email and then immediately regretted it? I know I have! Sometimes I accidentally send the email before I have finished typing it. Other times the computer auto-populates the wrong email address when I start typing the name, but I don’t notice and send the email to the wrong recipient. It seems like I never see my mistakes until after I hit “send.”
To minimize errors, I’ve started typing the body of my emails first, and then entering the email address last. This way, I don’t send the email prematurely since it won’t send without a recipient. Additionally, by entering the “to” line last, I am focused on the name I am entering instead of thinking about what I want to say, which helps me focus on ensuring that I enter the proper address in the box.
Admittedly, this one is taking a while to get onto, but I think it is worth the effort.
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Ted Talk I’m Loving
I came across this Ted talk and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. If you tend to procrastinate, you will find this very relatable. I loved the drawings he shared. Sometimes it helps to be able to laugh at our struggles, right?
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Thought I’m Pondering

I love this quote because it offers a new way to consider life’s challenges.
I have noticed that when things aren’t working, we tend to bring in “more” to try and fix it. Sometimes that is a great idea, such as when we hire a professional to help fix a problem or buy a needed tool to complete a task. However, in some situations, the act of adding items, activities, belongings, and/or commitments accomplishes little more making us feel like failures.
For instance:
- We feel disorganized, so we purchase a bunch of containers and then pile them up in a corner of the room and never get around to sorting our belongings.
- We want to improve in an area of life so we invest in self-help books, but then we either don’t read them, or we read them and never act on their advice.
- We want to get in shape, so we buy a gym membership, but then we never go to the gym.
When we face a problem, it is worth considering if perhaps removing an item, obligation, thought, relationship, or something else might actually be the best course of action.
Worth a thought!
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Tip I’m Sharing
Having the tool you need close at hand can be the secret to taking care of tasks in a timely manner. One example is having a pair of scissors in your laundry area. Whether it is to snip a hanging thread or remove a plastic tag hanger, having a pair of scissors nearby is just a good idea.
If you have drawer space, simply tuck the scissors inside. If you don’t, hang a hook up high on the wall or on the side of a nearby cabinet to establish an easy storage location.

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Thanks for stopping by this latest sampler. Did any of these resonate with you?