I Tried, and Aged Gracefully, With the Wahl Groomsman Nose Hair Trimmer

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There aren’t many secular rites of passage. Absent cultural or religious traditions, one has to rely on biological clues that you’re entering another phase of your life. And for men, many of these involve hair growth, often in areas that need consistent and careful grooming. Puberty is rife with them. Middle age has its watershed moments. In between, there’s the day a man buys his first nose hair trimmer.

To tell the truth, I never expected that day to come for me. But I’ve been consistently using the Wahl Micro Groomsman, and there’s no looking back.

Wahl Micro Groomsman Trimmer

Wahl Micro Groomsman Trimmer

The Wahl Groomsman comes with a rotator and detailing heads for trimming the nooks and crannies of the face and neck. The micro detailer has fine, anodized blades for smooth cuts and the compact design is travel-size.

The reason I thought I’d never see the day I needed a nose hair trimmer is that, to put it generously, I have the body hair of an Olympic swimmer. I’ve got Paulie Bleeker’s smooth chiefs and a chest that’s the polished marble alternative to some men’s carpets.

But somehow, upon entering my late 20s, it began. Like a nervous gopher surveying the skies for signs of trouble, tiny little hairs started popping in and out of my schnozz. The lack of a mustache only served to accentuate any errant hairs, and I know I needed to address something before I began attracting lingering gazes.

My weeks of brazenly plucking both deviant and benign nose hairs, and complaining to my girlfriend about the painstaking process, came to an end when she gifted me a nose hair trimmer. Not only did my weeks of complaining render this gift not passive aggressive, but I actually came to enjoy the much simpler, more efficient and pain-free process of using the Wahl Micro Groomsman.

The Wahl is great for someone who doesn’t need an expensive multi-purpose shaver, since it’s designed for the parts of your face other tools aren’t suitable for. There’s a detailing tool for your neckline, as well as an eyebrow guide. Beardless guys with errant hairs that need trimming? This is for you.

The star of the show is the rotary trimmer, which easily and painlessly removes any stray hairs from your nose. It’s best to stick to the hairs that are sticking out and not go too deep because nose hair serves an important function in protecting you from allergens. The detachable head means it’s easy to deep clean the blades as needed. I haven’t had to use it on my ear hair, although I’m certain that day will eventually come.

The Wahl Micro Groomsman is also a great size. It’s about as big as a Sharpie and roughly as heavy, so it’s incredibly easy to tuck into your Dopp kit and take on the go, and it won’t take up much space in your probably crowded medicine cabinet. The pen-shaped groomer also has a handy cap that protects the head from damage and germs.

Wahl is one of SPY’s favorite brands in the grooming space, and this product’s low $10 price tag means a high ROI on a purchase is likely. Worst case you drop a few bucks on a tool you don’t end up using, best case a helpful tool ushers you into a new phase of grooming.